Camera fines Update

4 weeks ago

Traffic violations and the associated fines have been a topic of discussion in the House recently. Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades…

Some Traffic Fines Reduced

1 month ago

The Cyprus Parliament passed a bill lowering fines for certain traffic violations, particularly running red lights. MPs deemed previous fines…

Road markings warn of traffic cameras | Cyprus Mail

2 months ago

Warnings have been painted on the road around the island at junctions that have fixed cameras on them, the transport ministry…

Pelican crossings installed on main Paphos streets

9 months ago

Pelican pedestrian crossings are set to enhance safety in Paphos starting this Wednesday. The municipality has strategically installed these crossings…

Scooters causing havoc in Paphos | Cyprus Mail

1 year ago

Electric scooters are causing problems in Paphos, police spokesman Michalis Nikolaou said on Tuesday, since local authorities have not made…