The information in this page refers to FULL non-vocational driving licences.
The earliest a driving licence renewal application can be made is within the last month before the expiry of the old one.
The following applies to all non Cypriot Citizens.
Application would normally be made in person at the District Offices of the District Offices of the Department of Transport, CSC or the Post Office CSC at District Post Offices, with the documents shown below. I would recommend the Citizen Service Centers or the Post Office CSC .
You will require:
1) A completed TOM 7 application form – only available in Greek.
The form is is available and an English translation of the main headings can be downloaded here.
2) A form TOM 153 signed by your doctor, stating that you are fit to drive.
A photograph will usually be taken by a member of staff.
If the person is not applying in person then two recent photographs which are 45mm in height by 35mm in width and complies with passport photograph standards are required. The photographs have to be certified by the relevent community leader and at the same time, a written authorization must be submitted by the applicant to the authorized person to act as their representative.
- Aliens Registration/Residents Permit and a copy. (MEU1/MEU2/MEU3)
- Produce evidence that you have been resident in Cyprus with six months of utility bills. EAC bill is strongly recomended, others may not be accepted. EAC customer service will issue to you a statement which is acceptable.
- If the applicant is a married woman and the utility bills are in her husband’s name, she will need to take her marriage certificate and a copy. If the applicant is co-habiting and the utility bills are in the name of another party, both may need to swear an affidavit to the effect that they are partners residing at the address. This may be in court or other authorized person. (To speed up court processes sworn statements have been outsourced to lawyers or Citizen Service Centers).
- Passport and a copy of the page with the holders details on it
- The licence is free
Drivers will be issued with a temporary paper licence. The temporary license will entitle the holder to DRIVE ONLY IN THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS until the arrival of the photo-card licence.
You will be notified by text when they are available for collection at the place nominated by you

The licence is normally valid for three years.
If you don’t have a Cyprus licence then additional documents are required and are listed on the driving licence information page.